Using A Laptop While Charging

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Well usually it is suggested to keep the power of laptop unplugged when using battery, otherwise it affects the life of the battery. Direct power AC should only be provided to the laptop when the battery charge is approx 25-35% that is recommended.

  1. Using A Laptop While Charging Charger
  2. Using A Laptop While Charging Cable

I've also seen people take out their batteries and use their laptops directly with AC power if there is no portability or power problems.So it is not advised to keep the power plugged in all times, it destroys the battery and lifespan is affected inshort! Technically you are correct. Practically, there's no point. A laptop that I'll use over the next 4-5 years may see 20 minutes decrease in it's battery life after constant use with the power cord plugged in. However, the convenience factor and thought that once this actually happens I'll be purchasing a new battery or laptop begs the question whether it's work the convenience or not. I'd say keep it plugged in.


If you notice the power adapter is getting too hot, you may want to take the latter option.–Sep 28 '11 at 4:55.

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Using A Laptop While Charging Charger

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Using A Laptop While Charging Cable

Short answer for now because I am on mobile, will expand more when I am on PC. Yes as long as it is not excessively hot then you are ok.I play and charge my cell phone too but make sure you are using a CSA, UL certified charger.never buy a charger without proper certification.As for over charging, if the battery pack software does not have the cut off when needed, the battery pack will over heat and eventually swell and with a chance to rupture causing a thermal event. Think about a pouch style battery cell like a ziploack bag and when you heat it, it expands until it has to create an opening and usually at the weakest point where the epoxy is applied to close the pouch, then you have a chemical leak (lithium slurry depending on the formula) depending on the certification some batteries requires an eclosusure to contain the leak as a second safety gate.My preference is to have at least 2 extra safety features,adding a PCBA on pack level and an enclosure. Also as extra mosefit on the main pcb of the product, that will cut off based on over voltage and over current.Now some manufactureres finally paying attention to this issue over repeated small charges and over charging and this is why you see your laptop while plugged will not charge to 100 percent and also will not start charging unless it low enough, for example when plug your laptop when it is 90 percent state of charge (SOC), it might not start charging because it is not low enough, this will reduce wear and tear on the battery.