Fallout 4 Fast Travel Bug

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Though Fallout 3 was an amazing game, it had its problems. And we’re not even talking about the various bugs it shipped with – we’re talking about gameplay features that could’ve been made better and which should be seen in Fallout 4.For example, when conversing with followers, it would be great if you could walk and talk at the same time, similar to the random conversations between team-mates in Dragon Age. In Fallout 3, one has to stand still and listen to the stories.An option between either standing around and talking or just talking while on the run would be a nice addition.

Another most sought after addition is Fast Travel – or at least, a seamless method that allows you to reach home without multiple loading screens or plot annoyances. Finally, the ability to automatically consume food and water in Hardcore mode – allowing for choices of food items – would make the process all the more intuitive.What kind of changes and improvements would you like to see in Fallout 4? Let us know below.


This first started when I was in the Glowing Sea, trying to fast travel to Sanctuary. I thought it had something to do with trying to jump out of the Glowing Sea. But it turns out that trying to fast travel to Sanctuary (from anywhere other than already being IN Sanctuary) causes a CTD. It seems to occur just before I would touch down in Sanctuary.I have a super-capable rig that far exceeds even Recommended specs, so hardware doesn't seem to be the likely culprit. HOWEVER, I also have @75 mods installed, so there's a potential for a long range (Level 40) conflict to finally emerge.Wondering if anyone has ever seen this kind of selective bug before.

If so, might there be some simple fixit?ERRATA - Further traveling reveals that I cannot fast travel to Red Rocket, but I can fast travel to as close as Abernathy Farm. When I get the next chance I'll see if Vault 111 is also a No Fly Zone.ADDENDA - I find I can fast travel to the nearby Ranger Cabin, but can NOT fast travel to Vault 111.Edited by CaptainPatch, 03 February 2017 - 10:50 AM. I suspect a mesh or texture has somehow been corrupted in that area and so when you try to go nearby and the game loads the corrupted file it crashes.

So it's something that gets loaded even if you're trying to travel nearby to Sanctuary. Have you built anything new in Sanctuary area recently? Anything you've recently built might be a potential culprit. If it was from a mod you can try disabling that mod to see if it helps. I would also suggest you have Steam verify cache to make sure vanilla game files aren't themselves borked. In the early development stages for Creative Clutter I was once testing a mesh that turned out to have problems. I could build it in settlement without issue.

Fallout 4 Can't Fast Travel

But if I left the settlement and tried returning the game crashed immediately on fast traveling in. I fast traveled to Red Rocket, same problem. Vault 111, same problem.

I fast traveled to Concord and walked to Sanctuary. The instant I crossed a cell border into Sanctuary, I would crash. I suspect a mesh or texture has somehow been corrupted in that area and so when you try to go nearby and the game loads the corrupted file it crashes.

Fallout 4 fast travel bug for sale

So it's something that gets loaded even if you're trying to travel nearby to Sanctuary. Have you built anything new in Sanctuary area recently? Anything you've recently built might be a potential culprit. If it was from a mod you can try disabling that mod to see if it helps. I would also suggest you have Steam verify cache to make sure vanilla game files aren't themselves borked. In the early development stages for Creative Clutter I was once testing a mesh that turned out to have problems. I could build it in settlement without issue.

Fallout 4 Fast Travel Bug Ps4

But if I left the settlement and tried returning the game crashed immediately on fast traveling in. I fast traveled to Red Rocket, same problem. Vault 111, same problem.

Fallout 4 Fast Travel Bug Xbox One

I fast traveled to Concord and walked to Sanctuary. The instant I crossed a cell border into Sanctuary, I would crash.Hmm. Somewhat possible. Not too long ago I built the Decontamination Arch (rad remover), but that never caused problems in previous games.I don't know if this is noteworthy, but I have always been able to walk into Sanctuary, and then fast travel OUT.I would have thought that Red Rocket (and Vault 111) was entirely outside of the Sanctuary cell, and therefore would be outside of the CTD crash area of effect.