Soal Uts Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 Sd
Answer the question based on the text!My name is Salwa. I want to tell about my kitchen. There are many things in it. This is a kettle. It is made of aluminium. It is for boiling water.
This is a rice cooker. It is for cooking the rice. There is also refrigerator. My mother buys it at the Wijaya Shop.1. Who tells about the kitchen?Answer.2. How is Salwa’s kitchen?Answer.3. What is the kettle for?Answer.4.
What is the rice cooker for?Answer.5. Where does Salwa’s mother buy refrigerator?Answer.II. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d!1.
My sister makes. Is an example of fruit.a.
My mother goes to the market to buy.a. Is made of wood.a. We put our book in the.a. Pencil casec.
My sister want to cut vegetable. Text for number 7 - 8She is Riana.She is sleeping now.She is sleeping in her bedroom.Riana is. Is a place for sleeping.a.
Living roomd. It is a kind of fruit.
Its colour is yellow. Mother is boiling the water. It’s hanging on the wall. It is used to show the time.
There are things in the kitchen, except.a. A: “ Do you like to eat candy?”B: “ Yes. Novi and Daina will have lunch in the.a. Andi ingin minum susu. In English is.a. Andi wants to drink milkb.
Andi likes to drink milkc. Andy will drink milkd. Andi needs drink milk17. In the morning.a. I listen to the music from the.a.
My sister puts the flower at the.a. A: “Can you make fried noodles?”B: “Yes.”a. Is not good for our teeth.a. Mother usually keeps the fresh fish at the.a. Kitchen sink23. Dea wants to make fried rice. Frying pan24.
We can see many fish in the.a. On the floor to sit.a. My aunt wants to make soup. Desk-lamp-new-Reno-a-hasThe correct sentence is.a. Reno has a desk lamp newb. Reno has new a desk lampc. Reno has a new desk lampd.
Reno has desk a new lamp29. Nandita is sleeping on the sofa.In Indonesian is.a. Nandita sedang duduk di sofab.
Nandita sedang berdiri di sofac. Nandita sedang belajar di sofad. Nandita sedang tidur di sofa30. Mother wants to make up beauty. She needs a.a.
Translate into English!1. Ini adalah sebuah lukisanAnswer.2.
Ada seekor kucing di atas karpetAnswer.3. Itu sebuah majalahAnswer.4. Saya meletakkan vas bunga di atas mejaAnswer.5. Ibu menggunakan kompor untuk memasakAnswer.V. Translate into Indonesian!1.
This is a new frying panAnswer.2. Do you like to eat sauce?Answer.3. Clock can show the timeAnswer.4.
Dona puts her doll on the chairAnswer.5. There is a picture on the wallAnswer.Jika ingin mendownload soal, di bawah ini linknya ↓Kunci Jawaban Room I1. Salwa’s kitchen is clean3.
The kettle is for boiling water4. The rice cooker is for cooking the rice5. Her mother buys it at the Wijaya ShopKunci Jawaban Room II1.
Andi wants to drink milk17. Frying pan24. Reno has a new desk lamp29. Nandita sedang tidur di sofa30. MirrorKunci Jawaban Room III1. This is a picture2. There is a cat on the carpet3.
That is a magazine4. I put flower vase on the table5. Mother uses stove for cookingKunci Jawaban Room III1.
Ini wajan baru2. Apakah kamu suka makan sambal?3.
Jam dapat menunjukkan waktu4. Dona meletakkan bonekanya di atas kursi5.
Ada lukisan di dindingWarning: Harap tidak mengcopy paste dan mempublish ulang Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 Semester 2 Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018 yang ada di blog Jadilah blogger kreatif dengan tidak melakukan copy paste dan mempublish ulang! Terima kasihItulah Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 Semester 2 Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018 dan kunci jawaban yang bisa saya bagikan. Semoga bermanfaat.
Baca Juga yang Sejenis.Berikut ini Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD/MI Semester Genap Terbaru bisa di unduh dengan GRATIS di bawah ini:Name:Class:Value: A+ A B+ B- C DA. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) the letter a,b,c or d!1.
Window, please!a. A: Does Dido go to school in the afternoon?B: No.a. He does notd. She doea not3. (Gbr ibu menyapu)What does your mother do?a.
My mother teaches her studentsb. My mother Washing the dishesc. My mother Sweeping the floord. My mother watering the floor4. Alicia does her homework at.a. Fania memiliki sebuah bolaIn English.a.
Fania sees a ballb. Fania kicks a ballc. Fania has a balld. Fania makes a ball6.
A book in the librarya. The word below is our daily activity, it is.a. Kevin: What does he do?Ken: He. The blanket(Gbr mwrapikan tempat tidur)a. Kenzo always prepares the book.In Indonesia.a. Kenzo selalu menyiapkan bukunyab.
Kenzo selalu membuang bukunyac. Kenzo selalu meninggalkan bukunyad. Kenzo membawa bukunya10. Wich one of these following is a good habit?a. Coming late to schoolb. Playing all dayc. Going shoppingd.
Helping parent11. The student patientlya. Delicious food for her family every daya. Jogging is my hobby.
Every Sunday morning, I. In the park to enjoy the fresh air there.a. B-b-a-s-l-e-l-aArrange into a good word!a. We need these things to play football, except.a.
Soccer balld. Sport shoes16. Deny is swimming in the.a. Afterdoing sport. I have a healthier body.a.
What the correct arrangement?She-baseball-plays-every-Tuesdaya. She plays Tuesday every baseballb. She plays baseball every Tuesdayc.
She every Tuesday baseball playsd. She plays Tuesday every baseball19. Playing soccer in the schoolyard.a.
A: What is your favorite sport?B: My favorite sport is.a. (Gbr bola golf)What sport do you like? You can play badminton by using a.a. Every morning in the park.a. In the rivera. Wich one the picturea that can used for swimming?a.b.c.d.B. Fiil in the blanks with the suitable words!1.
(do/does) she do in the morning?2. Television in the evening.3. (Gbr nyiram bunga). The flowers, please!4.
A letter for my grandmother.5. Bring in indonesia.6. You need a racket to play.7.
(like/likes) to play tennis.8. Playing soccer in the schoolyard.9.
The student play football in the.10. Team has five players.C. Answer the questions below correctly!1.
Mentions 3 activities that you do every morning!Answer:2. Arrange the words into a good order!Brushes-teet-her-Lina-always-everydayAnswer:3. Translate this sentence.' I always sweep the floor in the morning'Answer:4. Mention the things you need to go cycling!Answer:5. Mention three places for practicing sport!Answer: Good LuckPencarian yang sama:. soal essay bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd.
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